The benefits of traveling and seeing new places are immeasurable. There can come a time, however, when you may feel you shouldn’t travel anymore. Can you be too old to travel? While only you may know the answer, there are factors to consider. For instance, the risk of getting severely ill with COVID-19 increases with age, making it more dangerous to travel for some seniors. In many European countries, the travel industry is putting age restrictions on car rentals and imposing higher insurance rates, among other constraints. Because the ability to travel is often determined by physical and mental fitness,  booking the right trip, such as with a senior group, can help create the best possible experience.

Travel is fun, but it’s easy to push yourself too far. You want to see all the sights and take in all the culture, but you need to take care of yourself, too. Make sure you set aside time every day to rest and recuperate. Take a nap, or give yourself some down time to relax. You’ll still have time to get through everything on your itinerary, but you won’t risk your health by overdoing it.

Interested in learning more about McHARRIE LIFE SENIOR COMMUNITY? To tour our senior community at 7740 Meigs Road, Baldwinsville, please call (315) 638-2521. 

P.S. Your doctor may also be in a position to inform you whether or not you’re fit to travel.